Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Dust 514 info.

Yeah I bet you couldn't guess I'm excited about this game huh?  Anyway courtesy of the fan page we have a small guide on what to expect from Dust when you first download and start playing the game.
After picking a character faction and coming up with  a name for your character you will be given some basic armor.  As with EVE you will be brought to a lot of NPC characters for corporations that will allow you to do a lot of missions to begin building up your character.  Now just because they are NPC missions does't mean you will just be fighting a bunch of NPC's.  You will also be fighting other players who have chosen other corporation NPC's.  Once you begin to earn some money and start loading out your character via, what seems to be a complex skill tree and completely customizable armor and gear set, you can start going into some major battles.  You will have the option to be a lone wolf or sign up for a corporation and help take over planets and solar systems.  You can pretty much choose any role and learn the skills to master them.  Apparently if you wanted to master all skills it would take you about 7 years.  Yeah no thanks I'll just stick to the ones I like best then.

It looks like the beta will be coming out in June with a hopeful early fall release.  Check out the very very exhaustive introduction over at

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