Thursday, May 31, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III is being released all over the world this week.

This really nice looking android phone is being released all over the place on pretty much every carrier this week.  Although reports are showing a sign that the Pebble Blue color is seeing some sort of delay in getting to market.  No official word on why, perhaps a design flaw or some simpler reason that hopefully will be released soon.

This phone promises to do a lot and has a gorgeous design, even if it is just way to big for my liking.  It will be nice to see if all of the features on this phone work as great as announced.  It will make for some much better competition in the bland android phone market.

Tim Cook says no to console Biz.

File this to the "Well Duh" file.  Time Cook said the other night in his D10 conference interview that he was not interested in doing anything with the Console Market.  He did say that yes Apple is a major player in the video game market but that the console market was not where Apple was headed.  Really?  Seriously?  No way!  HAHA.  Seriously though why should they?  The iPad and iPhone have already cannibalized the portable gaming market and with the new iPad being compared to the power of a current generation console, it would seem Apple is already a major player console or not.

Now don't get me wrong they could easily turn the Apple TV into a place to download all the App store games.  How you would play those games would be an entirely different story however.  I highly doubt that Apple will make a stand alone console simply because they see the video game market moving more toward the mobile tablet and phone markets instead of consoles.

More Elder Scrolls Online GamePlay information.

There is more info hitting the web from interviews with the games creators talking about the solo aspect of gameplay while leveling and the public dungeons that they will offer in the game.

The interesting part of the public dungeons is the fact that unlike WOW or RIFT where your dungeon groups are either invite only or you allow the game to form a group for you, public dungeons will allow anyone to wonder in and do the same exact stuff that you are doing.  The developers inspiration for this comes from their love of the original Everquest game.  One developer says to imagine what it was like in Everquest hiding in a corner waiting for someone to come help you get back out.  While they say they can't exactly recreate that experience they will have these public dungeons all over the place.  These public dungeons can be done solo however they will be extremely hard if done so.  The point of this is simple with in the game world these public dungeons are meant to be a social point for you to meet new people that are trying to do the same stuff as you are.  Maybe you will start leveling together, maybe not.  The point is that this will add a better social aspect while leveling.  Now they will also offer your standard private dungeons and end game raiding for up to six people.

It seems from what info we have gotten so far, it doesn't seem that they are trying to revolutionize the MMO market but rather perfect things from the first and second generations of MMO games out there.  I hope they truly can pull this off and this game does well.  Although, I think many Elder Scrolls players still will not like the fact that the combat system isn't more like Skyrim.

Meme of the day

Pooh is about to hit the fan!

Of Orcs and Men E 3 trailer.

Check out the really great graphics of this game coming out for Xbox, PS 3, and PC.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Here is another rumor about a Facebook Phone

Honestly, I could care less about a Facebook phone and to be honest I doubt very many people really would care about a Facebook phone (unless you are 14.)  It seems like once again it is being rumored that Facebook is really wanting a phone of their own and this time they are trying to recruit some of the original iPhone engineers from Apple.  I  honestly wonder if this rumor is simply Facebook trying to make their stock not suck so bad.  I mean really they have lost billions in value already.  Their IPO is being called one of the worst ever.  So what is good old Mark doing about it.  Well duh Facebook phone!

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -Mirror of Fate.

Well the rumors have been confirmed by the newest issue of Nintendo Power.  What we were all wondering was exactly what this new Castlevania game was going to be released on.  This issue confirms that it will be on the Nintendo 3DS.  The game will be called Castlevania:  Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate.

The main character will be Trevor Belmont (one of the main characters from Castlevania III.)  Given that the title says Lords of Shadow in it, we can safely say that the story will have something to do with the 2010 released Castlevania game and probably will not have much to do with Castlevania III.

There was no mention of a release date for this game, but some other details included a return of the Combat Cross, along with the return of the Light and Shadow magic system introduced in the Lords of Shadows game from 2010.

Far Cry E3 teaser trailer.

Ray Smash! In Tuesday's episode of =3

As always don't forget to subscribe to his channel!

Dust 514 Welcome to New Eden Part 2.

So yes, I will admit it, I can't wait to play this game.  I can only hope to get into the beta very soon.  Machinima is bringing us part 2 of the Welcome to New Eden trailer.  In it you will find out what makes your mercenary think,  what makes you want to go into battle, and exactly what it is that you will be shooting.  Enjoy the Video.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hey guys a few more changes!

Hey everyone sorry for so many changes so fast but I want to try and get this blog looking as professional as possible.  If you will notice the format has changed.  This is a dynamic format.  All you have to do is click on the post you want to read and it will expand to show you the full article.  On the right hand side you will see a black side bar that will expand to show you all the extras.  Like the blog archive, followers, and a link to subscribe to the blog.  Also if you do not like this view in the left hand side of the title bar you will see a drop down menu that will allow you to change the view to several different styles to your liking.  I hope you enjoy the simpler format.  I think this will be easier on the eyes.  Granted the background image is still begin decided on but the page will be the same.  Thank you guys for visiting my blog!

So the BBC doesn't know that this isn't a symbol for the United Nations.

So this image above was shown during a BBC news broadcast when they were talking about the UN and its security force.  Anyone catch what is wrong with that picture.  If you are a true gamer or well fan of Halo you will recognize that as the symbol for the Space Marines in the Halo universe.  Yeah umm nice try BBC, next time you have someone google a UN symbol maybe have them pat closer attention to that detail.

New Star Wars Game being announced for E3

Spike TV is announcing that this Thursday during their pre E3 show they will have an exclusive video showing off a new Star Wars game from Lucas Arts.  OK, so I have my fingers and toes crossed here, I am hoping so bad that this Star Wars game doesn't sucks.  I mean Star Wars the Old Republic was fun but other than that the latest few Star Wars games have been very crappy.  Star Wars connect anyone?  There is a lot of speculation as to what this game will be about.  Especially with Lucas Arts putting in a lot of registered Trademarks recently.  Tune in to Spike TV thursday night to find out and I will also publish  post on it as soon as we find out exactly what it this game is all about.

Diablo 3's Real Money Auction House looks to be delayed Indefinitely.

Blizzard has announced that it will be delaying the introduction of it's Real Money Auction House.  The reason for this Blizzard says, is because they are trying to iron out some bugs in this system to make sure it works great.  Personally, I have a feeling that this is due to the fact that they recently had some hacked accounts reported recently.  Also, Blizzard finally admitted that they did confirm that these attacks happened and that they happened to people who were using their authenticator system.  A definitely troubling thing indeed if someone has figured out how to break this unique security code generating program that Blizzard offers to all of it's products to keep such things from happening.  Also there is still no word yet as to when the PVP system will be put into place.  Hopefully this feature is not being delayed like the Real Money Auction house will be.

PSN to introduce Ultimate Editions Tuesday.

When the Playstation update goes live on Tuesday it will bring with it a new service.  "Ultimate Editions" will be a service offering digital versions of games with all of the downloadable content for a reduced price.  Nine games will be introduced on Tuesday with this new Ultimate pricing and it seems that if you are a playstation plus member you get an extra discount.  For example if you wanted to buy the Ultimate Edition of Infamous 2 it would cost you $33.99 and for plus members it would be only 23.79.  Now these prices are said to be good until June 4th after that who knows where the pricing will go on these and it will also be available in North America Only.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The MMO report is back!

The MMO report is back with a pre E 3 edition.  They discuss the upcoming Defiance MMO, as well as some faction info for Elder Scrolls Online.  Good to see that they are keeping to their word and not giving up completely on the MMO Report.  Enjoy the show.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

= 3 for the weekend.

Ok so this one made me laugh so hard I had to stop the video. Then I felt super guilt because I was laughing at a church singer. Ray you are the devil for making me laugh so hard at this. Haha seriously though check it out for some serious laugh inducing content!



Friday, May 25, 2012

Skyrim 1.6 Update Bringing Mounted Combat!

You ask and Bethesda shall answer.  In a beta version released yesterday Skyrim 1.6 adds the ability to fight while you are mounted.  Which was probably the most requested feature players wanted added to the game.  So now you don't have to get off of that horse of yours to fight then chase your horse down after the fight is over.  YES! Finally..

Also with this patch will come numerous bug fixes and improvements to gameplay, it promises to fix memory leaks and lots of memory optimization so that the game will run smoother.

If you are a PC user head over to Steam and opt in for beta testing to get this updated beta patch.  No word on how long this will stay in beta but if you do choose to download this beta i recommend making a backup copy of your saved game files.  Because you know it is a beta after all.

Sony and Onlive partnering in the near future?

Rumors yesterday have it that Sony will announce sometime during E3 that they will be partnering with a major player in the cloud gaming industry.  Now since Onlive is pretty much the only real cloud gaming company out there, one must assume this is that "major player" that this rumor is referring too.  Is this what Sony has in mind to rescue its sliding profits?

The rumor goes on to say that there will be a number of other surprises at E3 but this one is probably the biggest one.  If Sony partners up with Onlive that could really make the Playstation Vita a contender finally.  Onlive already has its services on android devices and pretty much any computer with an internet connection.  I for one love the service, but I wish that more game developers would get off their high horse and offer their games on this service.  This partnership I am sure would also help Onlive achieve that goal of signing on more developers.

One website online did mention that even though they aren't doing anything in cloud gaming at the moment Gamestop did recently purchase a cloud gaming start up.  Could this be the actual partnership in question?  Everyone knows that digital distribution is the way of the future and merely just a matter of time before brick and mortar game stores are no longer of any use.  So maybe this is Gamestop's way of surviving?  I guess we will just have to wait for E3 to find out if this is true.  OK, I hate waiting.  Is it E3 yet?

Facebook released their own camera app...Instagram anyone?

Looks like Facebook today released their own version of an instagram app.  It definitely takes a bit from instagram but it is no exact clone.  For better and for worse this app is unique.  It plugs directly into your Facebook and can upload mass amounts of pictures, group them, allow you to tag your friends, and see a picture feed directly from your Facebook newsfeed.  It however does not offer hash tagging.

The user interface is not as well done as instragram and does not offer as many filters for your pictures but you can tell the few that it does have are direct copies of instagram.

Is this the sign of what will become of instagram?  Or will instagram live on as a separate entity?  I believe what we are looking at here is the future of what that instragram purchase was all about.  If Facebook can add some of the refinement found in instagram into this app then it will be a great and more integrated version of what instragram is today.

Infinity Blade 2 on sale right now!

If you have been thinking of wanting to play the new Infinity Blade 2 game but didn't want to pay the steep price for it you're in luck!  The game is on sale in the app store for a limited time for only $2.99.  Go check it out and make sure you have at the room for it as the game is over 1 gig in size.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

GameFly is going to get in on the mobile gaming market.


GameFly just announced that they would soon be offering iOS and Android apps as well as offering an Android game storefront soon. Instead of making their own games from scratch GameFly is targeting developers who are currently working on games of their own, but are looking for someone to help get their name out there. Basically anyone who wants someone to help them publish and get their game promoted better. It is expecting their services to start up this fall and hopes that they can get all developers big and small interested in their Android Game store so that you will have a one stop shop for your Android device for when it comes to games. I personally wonder how well the Android Gamestore will do with currently available games. Since Android already has two different stores, Google Play and the Amazon app store. It will be interesting to see exactly what they plan to bring to the table to make them stand out.

Gaming on the Go: MotoHeroz

This game got a brand new update recently and with that update the game went free. No word if it will stay free. The concept is that you are driving off road to a goal at the end. Well lets just say off road is a bit of an understatement. Check out the video below to see a better explanation than what I can give. This game is available in two versions iPhone and iPad. I am not sure if there is an Android version. Leave a comment below if you have an Android device and can confirm that it does exist for Android.




Yesterday's IGDaily

Some really cool news about the insane Diablo 3 sales which made it the number 1 PC game of all time!  Also come cool trailer video shots at the end, showing the Dinobots from the upcoming Transformers game, as well as a new game called Stormshooter.  Check it out below.

These Star Wars Hoodies are the best thing ever!

These Star War Hoodies are so freaking awesome.  I couldn't make up my mind which one I would want.  It is down to ones I have pictured here.  Head on over to The Foce.Net to check them all out.  Im thinking Boba probably.  What do you think?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mike Tompkins A Capella of P.Y.T




This kid's talent never ceases to amaze me. Just a ridiculous amount of talent goes into his videos. From breaking down each instrument and making them with his own voice to the technical know how to put a video like this together is just awesome! Watch it and subscribe to his channel!

IGDdaily on Project Destiny.

Check out IG Daily's take on Project Destiny and other gaming information in the news today.

The blog will be moving soon!

Hey guys good news! The blog will be growing a little bit so I have my own domain now. The blog will transition over to ! Write it down, bookmark it. Whatever you have to do to get to the new site! Hopefully with in the next day or so I will be making the move.

Official Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

Took me a few days to get his image to show up correctly but my buddy brought this to my attention. It is the offical full cinematic timeline for the Marvel Universe! It's pretty freaking awesome. You should be able to click on the above image to see the original full scale version or if you are on an iPad you can simply zoom in. Enjoy!

Marvel Heroes will be a new MMO for the marvel comic series!




Looks like we will be getting a free to play MMO based off your favorite Marvel Super heroes! That's pretty exciting and even better they are going a different route from your typical MMO for once. The style that they are choosing to do will be more of a diablo style game play. What that means is that they will be doing a sky view of the battle field. Which should be pretty awesome, if you watched the video above then you will see what I mean. Also the way this game will play as an MMo is just like Guild Wars. You will have massive hubs where players can shop, trade with each other and just hang out. When it comes to actual gameplay you can go out in groups or solo the content to level and acquire your loot. This game sounds pretty promising and since it will be free to play that makes it even better in my book. Just as long as it isn't a pay to win kind of game.


New Castlevania game rumored to be shown at E3.

Looks like there have been rumors that there was a Castlevania game coming just to the 3Ds but it looks like the rumors are now saying that during E3 there will be an announcement saying there will be a Castlevania 2 game released for Wii U, xbox 360 and the PS 3.  It will be interesting to see the exact details of this game and what systems it will definitely be coming to.  Good thing E3 is not too far away.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gameplay video for Infinity Blade Dungeons.

This video was suppose to appear on my original blog post about this game yesterday but for some reason didn't want to show up in the final product so here it is.  Enjoy!

Dust 514, Welcome to New Eden Trailer

Looks we have more information in the form of a video trailer/Developer diary.  Watch the video below and enjoy the information about this upcoming game and don't forget to check out the closed beta sign ups on their official site.

"Harry Potter" Web series made from fan fiction.

Today we have a trailer of a new and hopefully soon to be released fan fiction based show called Auror's Tale.  From the video below you will see that it is made by some seriously hardcore and very talented Harry Potter fans and is based on an Auror's life in Manhattan.  It looks like a few actors from various CW show's are getting in on the action as well.  They have started their own kickstarter to simply pay for the production of the Web Series.  They are clear that they do not want to make money of this and simply want people to enjoy the Harry Potter world from a different perspective.  The production quality is pretty awesome in this trailer so I am interested to see how this turns out.

This weeks FLOG

This one is a little short and only contains this weeks gaming experience.  Felicia is out of the country right now so that is why there is a lack of every day features like the Fave 5.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Video of Project Copernicus

After the Governor of New Jersy let it slip that this game would be releasing in June of 2013, 38 studios releases a vidoe showing the world and details about the MMO code named "Project Copernicus."

An MMO where leveling will be Solo? Say wha.....

There has been a lot of information circulating around about the new Elder Scrolls Online MMO but the one that strikes me as the most interesting is the fact that the majority of the story line questing will be completely solo.

This strikes me as really odd considering that an MMO, well, is Massively Multiplayer Online Game. So, what is the logic behind this. Well basically what the development team is saying here is that what if you were in line to kill the boss for a particular quest line that you are on. Sounds like a typical MMO right? You would be correct in saying yes but this is not typical Elder Scrolls gameplay where you are the hero not a line of people waiting for a respawn. This sounds very interesting and should definitely make the story feel more epic. This sounds similar to what Bioware did with SWTOR with their story areas but seems to compose a lot more of the leveling quests.

I would like to see this in detail before I judge how well it would work. From an Elder Scrolls perspective it sounds pretty awesome, but from an MMO perspective it maybe more of a pain than a cool aspect of the game.

Infinity Blade Dungeons: The Diablo III for iPad!

Epic games, the company that has brought us both Infinity Blade and Infinity Blade II have released information about a new project that they are working on. From the official trailer to the gameplay describtion it seems that we will have ourselves a beautifully done dungeon crawler.

Gameplay is described as very touchscreen friendly, something you would ecpect from an Epic games project. As with the other Infinity blade titles simply making slashing marks on the enemy creates basic attack moves but other gestures around your character will create special attacks and magic effects. For example drawing a simple circle around your character will cause a spinning attack.

This wouldn't be a dungeon crawler if it didn't have loot, and it apparently has lots of it from head, neck, chest, puts and legs, you will find any type of armor upgrades you will need. The one thing that you will not find is weapons. The uniqueness of this shows in the fact that there is a mini game where you create your own weapons. This mini game looks extremely well done and depending on how well you do with the mini game depends on the quality and attributes of the weapon. The better and faster you make the weapon the better stats it will have and less you have to spend points on making it stronger. You can also add gems to these weapons which determines the type of magic moves that you can do while using this weapon. I think this sounds really cool and should be a heck of a lot of fun itself!

Epic has also created this game the same as they have their others being able to play on the go or when time is short and you want to pass some time. Each dungeon should be completable within less than 10 minutes each. They are also created to be non linear so that you can explore to find hidden treasures and armor as well as other surprises along your path.

It is rumored that we could see this game within a few months. With the amount of info and the detail that this game is already showing I wouldn't be surprised if this game doesn't come around sooner rather than later.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gaming on the Go: Extinction Squad.


Adult Swim has released another fun time wasting game for the iphone. Basic consept is that you and your team of zoological defenders have to rescue the endangered and helpless animals from around the world. And how better to do this than to hold out a trampoline for them to bounce to safety. Yeah I know just watch the gameplay video above. It's definitely a fun time waster.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Duke Nukem 3D for iOS is free for a limited time

Anyone remember playing Duke Nukem?  Well the iOS port of the game is on sale for free for a limited time only.  Head on over the the App store to pick this one up if you loved this game.

Game of Thrones Game review.

Since I have not played this game but am very interested in it I thought I would share with you a decent review of the game from Machinima.  If you are a huge fan of the series he gives you a great insight into what you will think of the game.  I am currently just starting season 2 of Game of Thrones and am totally addicted to this show and will probably end up reading the books once this season is over.

Dust 514 closed beta sign ups have begun!

CCP has announced that the closed beta sign ups have started.  Preference with go to anyone who currently plays Eve Online or was at the CCP fanfest a few months back.  Click here to enter for a chance at the beta!  Hope you get in but not before me.  haha!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

IGD Daily, with Halo 4 Reveal!

Check out this update over at IGD that gives some good info on the Halo 4 info that was uncovered yesterday.

I finally watched the Avengers!

Holy crap I finally watched the Avengers and it was pretty freaking awesome!  That is all...
No really guys if you haven't seen this movie it is a must see.  If you are a comic book fan or just a super hero junky of any type you will love this movie.  If you simply like great action movies then you must see this movie.  If you like good written comedy in an action movie then yes you must also go see this movie. Ok seriously just go watch the darn movie alright!!

Joss Whedon is pretty much our Nerd King and he has shown us why in this movie, that he wrote and directed.  He is a mastermind for all things science fiction and really knows how to throw a good movie together.  

He did a great job of tying in the lead up movies to this one and yes the movie is a little long but he had to put in a little backstory into why they all come together to fight bad guys.  Even if Loki is a bit of a lame bad guy it was still fun to watch him get his butt kicked.  Over and Over and Over again.  

Going into this movie I was wondering just how well I would like Captain America.  A lot of friends had told me that his character was their least favorite in the film.  I often wondered if that was a little bit of a child hood fondness of the other "cooler" super heroes.  i really had no dislike of his character at all in the movie, but my favorite is still Iron Man.  Great casting and great dialogue make his a great character.  I pretty much all in all enjoyed all of the characters in the movie although, I must say growing up I never really thought the Hulk as much of a hero as just a misguided monster.  The one fault I had to the movie is that you never get a clear picture as to how the Hulk gains control of himself to only fight the bad guys... well almost just the bad guys.

Well I am going to leave it at that because if you haven't seen the movie I really do not want to spoil it for you.  Just go watch it for yourselves.  Like I said it is a must see. 

Why I think the next xbox is at least 2 years away.

So I was just sitting around thinking.  It's something I think i do way to much of to be honest, but anyway what brought me to this conclusion was another recent announcement about the current xbox.  Remember the new deal where you could get an xbox 360 and a kinect for just $99 plus a two year agreement to pay $14.99 a month.  Well there is where I get this from.  Why would Microsoft put it's new customers in an agreement when their next big console they will want everyone to buy is just around the corner?  Yeah I don't think that makes sense for them.  I believe that in a way this was a sign for us as to how far away the next console is.  Yes we are hearing rumors of game studios being asked to prepare for this next console but just like any game for any other system it would take a few years to develop.  So it would make perfect sense that they are signing developers up early to prepare so that they will have games ready for launch.  I mean what good is a game console with out games right?  Anyway that is my thought on the matter.  You may talk amongst yourselves now...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Last Guardian, oh how I hope to get to play you one day!

News has resurfaced about this once highly teased game from 2009.  Sony has told Game Informer that the game is still being developed but unfortunately their will be no more new information at this years E3. Apparently that is all Sony would say about this unfortunately.  I just hope that we soon will have some concrete information about this beautiful game.

Diablo 3 having lots of launch problems.

As everyone expected, there have been a lot of server and gameplay issues with Diablo III in the last few days.  If you go to search for reviews on the game so far all you will probably find or just complaints and funny mime's people have made of themselves waiting to play the game.

Since so many people have bought this game it looks like it has brought the mighty Blizzard's servers to it's knees.  Sadly you would think they would of prepared for this kind of thing.  But as everyone expected there would be some kind of problem.  I mean isn't it a bad thing that we as a gaming community have became so used to games being released with problems or errors that we just accept it and move on.  Seriously though I would love for once, just for one game to come out actually finished the way it was intended.  Besides, come on Blizzard you make a single player game require you to be logged into a constant internet connection to be able to play it, yet you don't have your servers prepared correctly.  Shame on you Blizz, Shame on you!

Latest = 3!

Here is this weeks = 3 episode.  Check it out for some weird British commercials.  Anywho enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Best Buy may have had their payment servers hacked.

A lot of people on the Best Buy forums are complaining about strange charges showing up on their Best Buy credit cards and other credit cards used to purchase items on best buy's online store.  It appears to be that someone is purchasing playstation cards with these cards and having the info sent to an email address almost identical to the actual owners email address, the only difference is an extra digit or letter after it.  Best Buy so far is saying that this is a matter to take up with your bank and that they do not believe that their payment servers have been breached.

For now I would say anyone who has purchased anything at best buy's online store keep a close eye on their credit cards for anything suspicious showing up on the transaction history.

Harry Potter free for Amazon Prime members.

It looks like Amazon gave J. K. Rowling an offer she just couldn't refuse.  For what I am sure, is one large sum of money, Amazon will soon offer all of the Harry Potter books for free if you have their Amazon Prime service.  Amazon is really trying to push this service, which also offers unlimited viewing of some TV shows and older movies, as well as their lending library, and free shipping on most products.  So, if you are one of the people who have this service then it looks like it just got a lot better for you with just the addition of these great books.  Keep in mind you can only have one book out per month at a time.

New Macs expected at WWDC next month.

Several rumors were brought to light yesterday that states that Apple will reveal some new Macbook Pro's and iMac's at next month's WWDC.  The biggest changes are Ivy Bridge processors, switching to Nvidia Graphics, and the macbook pro's will get thinner and get a Retina display up to the 15 inch model.

What I find interesting about these details is that fact that the retina display only will go up to the 15 inch model.  Does this mean that the rumors saying Apple will be doing away with the 17 inch macbook pro's are true?  Possibly, I am pretty sure that it would be pretty hard, if not impossible to make a true retina display so big.  But what do I know?  I guess we will have to wait till next month to find out for sure.

This weeks FLOG.

This week Felicia learns how to Crochet with friends while on the way to Europe?  Yeah whatever just watch the darn thing!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Are you ready for Diablo III?

Are you one of the millions upon millions ready to play Diablo 3?  Well you only have less than 24 hours to play this long long long overdue game.

Steve Wozniak doesn't have broadband at home.

An interesting piece of information surfaced on the internet this weekend.  Steve Wozniak, the true brains behind the beginning of Apple, does not have a broadband service at home.  He instead uses a combination of 3G and 4G services to provide himself with the internet that he needs.  He claims that it is really hard, if not impossible for the local providers to get access to his current residence.

Gaming on the go: Swordigo

This weeks game for iOS is Swordigo which as of this writing is free in the app store.
Swordigo is a mix between your standard 2D side scrolling platformer and Zelda.  The graphics are neat but not amazing, but still look good on the retina display.  The gameplay is highly addicting and reminds you a lot of Zelda.  You have spells, weapons, you level up and your health is a series of hearts, sound familiar yet?  Areas have Boss fights, surprises, hidden chests all around, and small towns which you can teleport to and from as you wish.  You can also get side quests from the people that you come in contact with as well as purchase upgrades at the shops that are scattered throughout the game.  It is a definite recommendation of mine especially since it is free.  Tell your free time I said sorry...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another cool YouTube video of Somebody that I used to know.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can come up with creative ways to sing and play a song. Check out this groups way of playing the entire song while they all use only one guitar... At the same time!



Latest from Ray

Checkz this outz Guyz



Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh look more iPad 7" rumors.

Seems that this rumor just won't die....ever...  iMore is reporting that they have a source telling them that a 7" iPad will be released along side the next iPhone in October.  IMore, who is usually pretty accurate with rumors has also reported that this new 7" iPad will sport a Retina Display and smaller memory.  Starting at around 8 gigs at a $200 to $250 price point!

Bethesda's Dishonored gets a release date!

Bethesda has announced yesterday that Dishonored, the game that was teased with an awesome video a few weeks ago, has been given a release date.  It will be released on October 9th of this year.  Below is the synopsis giving more details about the story of the game given by Bethesda.

    Dishonored is set in Dunwall, an industrial whaling city where steampunk inspired technology and otherworldly forces exist in the shadows.  You are Corvo, the once-trusted bodyguard of the beloved Empress who has been murdered.  Framed for the crime, you become an infamous assassin, known by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card.  In a time of uncertainty, when the city is besieged by the plague and ruled by a corrupt government armed with frightening technologies, dark forces bestow supernatural abilities upon you - but at what cost?  The truth behind your betrayal is a murky as the waters surrounding the city, and the life you once had is gone forever.

Fun times.

Bodega, the other Mac App store.

The mac app store is a great way for people to find and discover apps for their macs just the same way they do for their iPhones.  Unfortunately, with Apple's strict guidelines you really can't find any apps that might not meet Apples standards.  Luckily, there is an App store out there for your mac that actually has been out longer than the Mac App store and works just as easily.

Bodega has been around since March of 2010, one year longer than Apple's own Mac App Store.  It offers any app you can think of and developers have very few if any restrictions when posting their apps through the store front.

Bodega offers 20 categories to search through and has a great bookshelf type of display for all the apps.  It is easy to browse and find the apps you are looking for and also simple to download and install onto your system just like the Apple App store.  Head on over to and give this free app store a try.

Want some free 4g data for your iPhone?

FreedomPop is offering an iPhone case that plugs into your phone and provides up to 500mb of free 4g data using WiMax.  The case will cost you $99 up front then promises the free data where it is available and higher rates for more data.
The service uses Clearwire's WiMax network which isn't available in all areas but mostly in large cities for now.  The way this works is that as you snap it on your phone it has a plug that connects to your iPhones dock connector and creates a wifi signal your phone can pick up.
This is a really clever idea that requires no hacking and simple use.  Sadly with the new LTE networks being made by all the major carriers now this will soon not be relevant.  But for now it is a great service for those who live in WiMax areas and want faster or better speeds on your phone.  My opinion is that they should make this for the iPad and you could turn any wifi iPad into a truly, take anywhere you go wireless device, without having to pay more for a wireless plan on a 4g capable iPad.

N.O.V.A 3 review.

Gameloft finally released N.O.V.A. 3 today on iOS and so I just had to download it. My first impression is that the graphics on this game played on my iPad is simply breath taking. It's hard to believe that this game is running on a mobile device. Gameloft has really outdone theirselves with this title, with it's amazing graphics, 10 large levels of single player campaign that is fully voiced, and it's full fledged multiplayer with their gameloft live service. This game packs a big punch for just $6.99.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another great =3 episode.

Check out the latest from Ray william Johnson



Apple drops OSX update along with Safari Update.

Yesterday, Apple released several updates to OS X Lion, Snow Leopard, and to Safari.  All of which mostly included security and performance improvements.  Some notable mentions are the FileVault security issue should now be fixed along with Safari no longer allowing older versions of the Flash Player to work on your computer.  It will instead give you an error message and a prompt to install the latest version.  This is a security step Apple is taking as a lot of security issues usually happen through old versions of Web software.  Hit your apple icon in the top left corner and then click software update to begin this update on your system to get the latest versions on your Macs.

Bioshock Infinite is being delayed till 2013!

Looks like we have yet another case of a developer overstating what they can do in a short amount of time, as Bioshock has been delayed till February of next year.  Publisher 2k games announced that due to uncovering something that could make Infinite even more extraordinary they have decided to push back the date in order to allow the developers more time to add these "somethings" into the game.  Also announced was the fact that Bioshock would not be shown at any more Game Conferences throughout the summer as that would take away from developing time.

This is sad news but also good news.  The reason I think this is because with more time hopefully this will be a very polished and have no bugs at release unlike a lot of games coming out lately.  Let's just hope it doesn't get pushed back any farther than this.

iOS app of the day: Consmr

So Consmr is a great app for all you shopaholics out there.  It allows you to scan items you come across at your local grocery store and find ratings, reviews, and price comparisons for pretty much anything with a  bar code.  Consmr is a great idea for those times when you see something new and think I wonder if this is any good, well wonder no more!  Just scan the barcode and you will get all the info you need to determine if this product is a dud or awesome.  Check it out in the app store today.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Refurbished iPad's get another discount.

If you are looking to buy an iPad and really do not care if it is brand spanking new then Apple has  deal for you!  They just made their refurbished iPad 1's and 2's even cheaper by taking off an additional $20 - $50.  Refurbished products from Apple come with the same warranty as new ones and have been inspected and confirmed in working order and pretty much look like they did when they first came off the assembly line.  Head on over to the website and under the store tab look on your left hand side toward the middle of the page for the refurbished section.  It is a good place to not only get refurbished iPads but Macs as well.