It has finally been announced, yes that is right, another Samsung phone. It has a really nice 4.8 inch touchscreen, 8-megapixel rear-facing camera and a 1.9 megapixel forward-facing camera. and comes with Android Ice Cream sandwich installed. The phone will also be NFC-capable and has a beautiful Super AMOLED HD screen.
It is powered by a 1.4 GHz Exynos 4 Quad processor, which promises to be energy efficient. It also comes with a new feature called "Smart Stay" on the phone which detects your voice and motions, and recognizes how you are using the phone. So it can detect if it needs to stay on while you read an ebook and haven't touched it or if you have walked away and it can simply go into sleep mode. This is a pretty neat feature but this in itself seems like it would use power to determine these things. It also comes with a SIRI like feature called "S Voice" which enables the phone to listen and respond to your voice.
All in all this is a really nice phone but it seems like just yesterday they released the Galaxy S II, and not to even mention the NOTE. I mean why release phones so fast especially ones that take the place of the old. Maybe some way this helps them as they are leading in a lot of markets as top in smartphone shares. Stay tuned in three weeks when they release the Galaxy S 4, haha I kid. It is a nice phone after all.
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