Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blogging with the iPad

So since I just bought an iPad I decided I wanted to see if I could blog from my iPad without any issue. As I use blogger I decided to look in the AppStore and what I found was that google only has an iPhone app and not an app for iPad so I started surfing around looking for a good alternative. What I came upon and decided on was blogsy. It is a dedicated blogging app that allows you to design, edit, and post blogs to all the major blogging platforms out there.

After downloading and opening the program you are greeted with a setup guide and how to videos that are available from within the app. After watching the videos it was a snap to sign into my blogger account and get started blogging. My most favorite part of blogsy is the ability to add all forms of media directly from the app without having to leave the app to copy/paste links or images. It makes adding images as simple as clicking your desired source from the menu and dragging the object onto your post and bam you are done!

I would definitely recommend blogsy for anyone who would like to blog from their iPad. You won't believe the difference you will see after using this app.

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