Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh look more iPad 7" rumors.

Seems that this rumor just won't die....ever...  iMore is reporting that they have a source telling them that a 7" iPad will be released along side the next iPhone in October.  IMore, who is usually pretty accurate with rumors has also reported that this new 7" iPad will sport a Retina Display and smaller memory.  Starting at around 8 gigs at a $200 to $250 price point!

This would be detrimental to say the least to any other tablet competitors if this were true, because at this price point Apple would have all ranges covered and no one would think twice about getting anything else other than an iPad.  If it did have a retina display the dpi would be similar if not that same as the iPhone 4s with a really high resolution making the screen look like it has more space.

I don't see how with a retina display they could offer this at that price point but iMore claims Apple has figured out a way to make the process cheaper for the retina display.  Also, where would this leave the current iPod touch which is priced very close to this price as well.  I would think it would be pointless keeping both of these products in the pipeline with a similar price point.  With the iPad 2 at a $100 discount and refurbished iPad's getting even cheaper as of late I doubt that this rumor will come to fruition.  Maybe they are going to replace the iPod Touch with the 7" or maybe the 7" will be the new iPod touch.  I guess we will just have to wait till October to find out.

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