Holy crap I finally watched the Avengers and it was pretty freaking awesome! That is all...
No really guys if you haven't seen this movie it is a must see. If you are a comic book fan or just a super hero junky of any type you will love this movie. If you simply like great action movies then you must see this movie. If you like good written comedy in an action movie then yes you must also go see this movie. Ok seriously just go watch the darn movie alright!!
Joss Whedon is pretty much our Nerd King and he has shown us why in this movie, that he wrote and directed. He is a mastermind for all things science fiction and really knows how to throw a good movie together.
He did a great job of tying in the lead up movies to this one and yes the movie is a little long but he had to put in a little backstory into why they all come together to fight bad guys. Even if Loki is a bit of a lame bad guy it was still fun to watch him get his butt kicked. Over and Over and Over again.
Going into this movie I was wondering just how well I would like Captain America. A lot of friends had told me that his character was their least favorite in the film. I often wondered if that was a little bit of a child hood fondness of the other "cooler" super heroes. i really had no dislike of his character at all in the movie, but my favorite is still Iron Man. Great casting and great dialogue make his a great character. I pretty much all in all enjoyed all of the characters in the movie although, I must say growing up I never really thought the Hulk as much of a hero as just a misguided monster. The one fault I had to the movie is that you never get a clear picture as to how the Hulk gains control of himself to only fight the bad guys... well almost just the bad guys.
Well I am going to leave it at that because if you haven't seen the movie I really do not want to spoil it for you. Just go watch it for yourselves. Like I said it is a must see.
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