Day one of using this phone took a little bit of time getting used to. The phones operating system does have a few different mechanics as compared to iOS and Android. But after I got used to them I actually started to like them. Case in point if you are on your apps list or your contacts page. Simply click on a letter and it will bring up the alphabet, tap the letter that the contact or app starts with and it will take you immediately to that section.
This takes the one grip I had with the UI out of the equation, the fact that your apps are listed in order in one single file line.
Now to answer your burning question. Does the lack of apps bother me. This answer for me so far is no, but let me explain further. First off, I have an iPad so any app I had on my iPhone I have a version of it on my iPad. As far as games go most of the bigger games I liked to play on iOS I enjoyed playing on my iPad and not my iPhone anyway. Next as far as the apps available to me. Spotify, facebook, Netflix, twitter, Nokia's turn by turn navigation, Angry Birds, and Evernote are the apps I use a lot during the day especially at work. They are all on the Windows Phone and so that is no problem for me there. Also it was just announced that all the time waster games from Zynga will be coming to Windows Phone in a couple of months so there is that non issue. Starting tomorrow, I will be back at work, and then we will have the true test of whether I will miss having some apps at my fingertips while at work.
The things I like most about the UI: Live tiles hands down are the best and most useful UI element in any mobile operating system. They are beautiful and so informative. They change to update you on relevant information pertaining to that app so that you don't even have to open an app to see what is going on with it or have a nasty annoying widget to tell you the weather.
The next aspect I really like is the people HUB. Here you have your phone book, twitter feed, and Facebook feed all together in one streamlined interface. So you technically do not even need to have a facebook or twitter app on the phone because all the info you need on the go is integrated into the phone. It is a nice feature that was really thought out for a true integration. You can also add your live account, and linked in account to the people hub as well.
If you look at the above picture of the people hub you will notice the contrast of the screen and how the apps are in general set up to be clean and informative to your needs. To access other parts of the app you simply swipe left or right. In this case if you swiped left you would see your recent section, which shows all the people you have recently contacted. Another swipe will take you to your contact page where there is a list of all your contacts.
A side note that you may notice on the above picture, the resolution is not Retina Display but this is a limitation of the current version of Windows 7.5. Coming from the iPhone it was noticeable at first but I can say I don't notice it much anymore unless I am loading a webpage with small writing in Internet Explorer. This of course will be fixed in Windows 8 so any newer phones will have much better resolutions on their screens. The bright AMOLED screen is beautiful though. It makes the colors on the phone pop and makes it easier to see in bright light.
The next thing I was pleasantly surprised to find was the really great voice command service offered inside of Windows. It isn't as "fancy" as SIRI and give you quirky comments and such but it can launch apps read your text messages, allow you to voice dial, speak your text messages and send them, ask sports scores, and search the web for you. All of which Siri does as well (or will do, after iOS 6.0.) I found this really handy while driving and having my phone hooked up to the bluetooth in my car. The phone would tell me I received a new text message and who it was from. I had the phone read it to me and I replied back to that person without ever touching my phone. I really enjoy that feature.
All in all so far I have had a great experience with the Nokia Lumia 900. It is a great phone and a cool UI. The Appstore maybe lacking in exact copies of certain iOS apps. But for what they don't have their a lot of other apps that do basically the same exact thing or that app will be available soon. Once this app problem is fixed with Windows Phone it will be a great competitor for Android and iOS. The UI is such a fresh take and welcomed from the stale never really changing face of iOS and Android. I will give another update 15 days into using the phone to let you all know how it is still holding up. I do consider myself to be a power smartphone user so I am interested to see how this app thing holds up during my everyday work environment.
So far I would highly recommend this phone to anyone because it simply is a nice phone. If you want the latest and greatest I would hold off on getting a Windows Phone until Windows 8 comes out in the fall. If you are simply needing a phone that works well and can do most of the apps I have mentioned above then this phone is a definite buy.
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