Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is Apple finally serious about gaming?

I know, I know, but it's really hard for me to not talk about everything Apple.  Especially when it's the week of WWDC and there is so much nerd candy everywhere one looks on the inter webs!  But anywho, with Apple showing off it's new retina display MacBook Pro with Diablo III, is it a sign they are serious about gaming?

I mean they are already a huge powerhouse in gaming even though they really didn't do anything to get there.  It would make sense that with this amazing new screen developers will think again about releasing their games for mac in a more timely fashion (aka not two years later.)  Apple though, really in the past has done  nothing to really drive game developers to its mac platform.  Could this all of changed with the introduction of the Retina Display?  

You could argue simply they could take advantage of it if people simply use boot camp and boot windows from there.  But can windows truly handle the retina display.  As of right now, no it cannot.  Will there eventually be drivers or some sort of update or hack made to allow windows to take advantage of it, probably but not as smoothly has it will run on OSX, I would think. 

It is all really just speculation at this point but it will be interesting to see if developers start paying more attention to Apples OSX platform for gaming.  I for one hope they do!

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