Monday, January 2, 2012

Install songs on your iPhone from iTunes wirelessly.

This question was brought up to me by my fellow coworker Amerah.  So you have your brand new iOS device and you forgot to sync your songs you purchased from iTunes to it.  Have no fear with the introduction to iOS 5 you can simply download any song that you have purchased directly from your iTunes app without having to sync your iPhone, or iPod touch.   This is a very simple and easy process that I will walk you through.
Click Read more to find out how.

First open your iTunes app.   You will notice on the bottom row you have several options to choose from.  You will need to open the 4th option titled purchased.


 From here you will see two options to choose from the first one is Music and the second one is TV shows.  Tap on the Music option.

 Now you will see two tabs at the top one titled All and one titled Not on This iPhone.   Since we know we are only needing what is not on it, choose the second option.

When this loads it will give you a list of every song you have ever purchased from iTunes and are not currently on your device.  The list is broken down in alphabetically by artist.  You can also choose to look at all songs or just the recently purchased.
Once you have chosen the artist or the "view all"  option find the song you want to download and tap the download button (it looks like a little cloud with a down arrow in it.)  After you tap it, it will begin to download and you are finished!  Once the download is finished simply open up the music app and your song will show up on your list of songs.  It is just that easy to install them on your device without having to sync it to your computer.

Have a question you would like answered?  Leave a comment below and I'll make a post with the answer to your tech question!

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