Monday, July 2, 2012

Goodbye Flash for Mobile

If he could I am sure Steve Jobs would say I told you so from the grave.  This past weekend Adobe officially announced it will no longer develop flash for any mobile device.  It will be pulling the app from the Google Play store in the coming weeks never to be seen from again.  If you currently have flash installed on your android phone it will still work, but you will no longer be able to download it again after it is removed.

The ironic part of the announcement is that they gave us this info on the 5th anniversary of the iPhone, the phone in which Steve Jobs said, no to flash, and that flash is not the way of the future for the web on mobile.  Which I am sure partly is due to the fact of the popularity of the iOS devices out there and the fact that they do not support flash.  Most websites have went to the option of HTML5 for their mobile videos and animation content to insure their websites show up properly on the iOS devices.

What does this mean for flash for your computer?  Nothing as of now.  Most websites viewed on your actual computer are flash heavy and will probably remain that way at least for a while longer.  Maybe Adobe has a new format up their sleeve that will replace the flash player, one that I can only hope is much more efficient than flash.

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