Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kickstarter: the site that will literally kickstart any idea

So you may or  may not of heard of Kickstarter, the website where you pitch and idea where people can come and look at it and fun your idea into actually being done or made.  This has so many great prospects and it seems to already be launching a lot of great products, games and ideas into fruition.  But I also have to say, there are a lot of crap ideas out there and what seems to be a lot of people who are carelessly throwing their money into the wind in order to have that one chance of being part of something big and earning big from it.  Basically what I am getting at here is the fact that I see a lot of great stuff coming from this and also a warning for all the crap we are probably about to get thrown our way.  I mean I know I am no expert on what will be the next big thing but that can probably be said for about 80% of us would be investors.  Or maybe I just like (what little) money I have an just don't want to give it up to just any crazy idea.  HAHA.  Anyway if you want to check out this interesting and great tool for creators and inventors go to

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