Monday, February 20, 2012

Troubles in Bioware Land?

So this week has seen the lead writer for Bioware games (most recently SW:TOR) and 3 more senior staff members leave this week.  Does this spell trouble within Bioware?
There have been a lot of reports of members of Bioware feeling rushed by parent company EA to get SW:TOR out in time for the holiday.  A lot of people attribute this to the reason for all the complaints of the end game not feeling so completed.  I myself cancelled my subscription after getting max level because after that story ends its just your typical raid and grind dailies that made me tired of other MMO's.  Is this the case why the endgame doesn't seem so polished we may never know.  Regardless, the lead writer according to has moved on to more of a main stream writing and the other 3 senior staff members have went on to form their own independent game company to produce what they call an MMORTS type of game supposedly involving Vikings.

Also in the new is another one of Bioware's writers who has been trying to take down her twitter account after a backlash from angry gamers for her supposed comments from an interview back in 2006 that was posted on saying that she thinks games should also have a skip the combat button and go to the narrating for games because thats all she cares about.  Interesting take of it, don't think it deserves an angry twitter mob but I don't think many people would choose to skip through a games fighting just to see the story parts only.

Hopefully things will start looking up for Bioware.  I am sure that they had already had people in place to take over these peoples positions.

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